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April Linson • Biofield Tuning

  • The Urban Muse 82 Broadway Denville, New Jersey 07834 (map)

Mon. MAr. 17 | 4 pm - 9 pm
Mon. MAr. 31 | 4 pm - 9 pm

What is Biofield Tuning?

Biofield Tuning is a fancy scientific term for bringing your energetic, physiological, and emotional bodies into a more balanced state. The word Biofield refers to the field surrounding the body which stretches 3 feet above the head, 3 feet below the feet, and 6 feet on each side of the body. The further you are from the body, the further the information stretches back in time. Likewise, the closer you are to the body, the closer the information will be to the current time. This magnetic field is also called an aura or energy field in other traditions. Within this field are patterns and sometimes patches of dissonance or static. These patches usually occur in life where there was a pain, a significant change, an injury took place, or trauma occurred. Simply put, we are listening to the sounds of memories and using sound frequencies to help bring what was brought out of tune back into alignment. Biofield Tuning is like a hypnotic massage for your electrical system and one of the coolest things about this adjustment is that your energy auto tunes itself. Once your energy field hears its own sound reflected back to it, it knows how to tune in and realign back into a flow state. Similar to the idea of Biofeedback, the information is sent back and re-processed so that health, well-being, and flow can occur.

What To Expect During Your Session:

During a Biofield Tuning session, you remain fully clothed on a massage table while the forks are activated in the space surrounding your body. Most often people drop into a deeply relaxed state of awareness. Images, memories, emotions or feelings may arise during the tuning process.

With the use of tuning forks, set to different frequencies, I locate the edge of your field and begin listening for where any patches of static or dissonance are located. These little pockets I am scanning your field for also have a fancy scientific name, called biophotons. This might be one of my MOST favorite parts about this work…locating the biophotons.

Biophotons are photons of light in the ultraviolet and low visible light range that are produced by our biological system. These light particles are like sparkles of your light essence that were broken off or left within a certain age or timeframe, waiting for healing or balancing or simply waiting to be heard and processed. Once they are located, we listen, we give these spots sound waves, and they realign and clear, ready to move through the field. As we get closer to the body other patches may be located and the same process is used to help collect these particles and continue moving and sweeping them in towards the body. Once we reach the body, these sparkles of your light essence are poured back into your chakras and placed back into circulation. This creates a deep state of flow.

Following the session, clients often comment that they feel “clearer and lighter” and more energized to move forward in areas of life where they previously felt blocked. Many see improvement in their relationships and report changes in their overall health and well-being following a Biofield Tuning.


Contraindications to treatment include: Anyone with a pacemaker, anyone undergoing active treatment for cancer or anyone pregnant. The work is not advised for individuals who are extremely ill or at the end of life as it can sometimes generate a powerful detox response. It is important that the body is well resourced to handle any potential healing response that follows a session. During a detox process one could experience flu-like symptoms, exhaustion, waves of emotion, loose stool or in very rare cases rashes or vomiting. Most people, however, report feeling energized and/or sleepy in the hours following a session.

60 min | $135

Book online or Call 973.627.3455 x0 to book your appointment!

April Linson

April Linson is a modern-day healing practitioner, using the ancient tools of breath and sound, to bring harmony, peace, and resilience to her clients. Her gentle and attentive nature creates a sacred and safe space for deep healing to take place in profound and transformational ways. Through the practices of guided breathwork meditation, as well as the frequencies of sound and vibration within tuning forks, April has learned firsthand that healing most often occurs when we learn to listen on a deeper level. Using the tools that have personally transformed her relationship with herself and others, as well as her purpose in the world, she is overjoyed to have been able to share these practices with hundreds of clients world-wide. As a certified Breathwork Healing Facilitator under David Elliott and Certified Biofield Practitioner under Eileen Day McKusick, April blends together the knowledge she has gained through her studies, along with the wisdom she has gathered through her own life experiences, to create a balanced and supportive practice. She welcomes all those who are ready for true and lasting change to join her on a journey home to themselves like never before.

Earlier Event: March 28
Susan King • Intuitive Consultations