Jessica Lurker Cavaliere
fiber artist
Jessica Cavaliere is a fiber artist, art educator and animal lover. Through her artwork, she strives to capture the beauty, movement and abundance of color found in nature. Taking the time to slow down and see the beauty in every day has inspired her to focus on animals and landscapes in her work, using only wool as her medium. Jessica’s artwork is created through the process of needle felting, a method similar to that of tattooing. Rather than using ink, her medium is unspun wool. Using a barbed needle tool, the wool is forced into a fabric backing, which serves as a canvas. Recently, Jessica has begun incorporating wet felting techniques into her artwork, a process where wool fibers are bound together through agitation with soap and water to form a firm, felted canvas. Needle felted details are then added to create an almost three-dimensional look in her wool paintings.
For more on Jessica, visit: